Hollow Enigma

The Separate Self Help

A one finality, a silent anger who stokes flames and beauty.

But is incarnate impossible misery,

The talent destroys, makes written history.


Not teachable but some join this eternity.

They and it who have eyes that reason a worth of blind,

learned and executed their  successful minds.


The only wind to have never been beaten

A simple but secret hidden seed

By foundation to missing emotional need.


For the only way forward is actually separation.

The unstoppable wrath,

of the adaptive sociopath.


Deemed inhuman they hide in our home.

Seemingly normal and predictable,

as terrifying and empty but easily minimal.


They who decide for thou who wrestle.

A being made entirely,

statistical probability and finality.


You hold something that is only restraining.

For using some morality fabricated.  

They stand among the progress awaited.


Shoot the wound and burn your skin.

The way to stop a bullet they figure,

is be the one pulling the trigger.