sonal monhyung

There are many to come


I have a way that I can go with but after a while,they are the ray just passed by side.

I can make a pretty dream but after steps,they are just thinking skill.


There are many to come ,

to give way of fearsome.


When can I get it due to i know only to think. When can I make them true cuz, I know only to dream.

There are many to stand with ,but i have what to live a long while .


Everybody said to make -up just to stay and set -up.

Everybody said to dream just work and get it in reality.

But who knows to work for a while, dreaming only but  not make it right .


While thinking a little bit i realise the truth of it .

There are many to come to give a way of fearsome.

But still a way left in our  dream ,of our childhood time when looking through the sky and want tomake it right.


There are many to come ,to give a way of fearsome.


Now\'s the time to set up, wake up and make it up.

Cuz,we know there left so many to dream, but there\'s left a little chance to make it true.


I get the time to think ,making my own way and walk on it .

There\'s left a chance in my dream to choose a right stream.

Flowing through it and wash up my all habits of changing dream .

 Cuz , I know there are so many to come to give a way of fearsome.