H. Jordan


Here I sit 

Feet on the dash

Lemon Oreos and Cheez-its in my lap

I’m 16

And I know everything

And nothing 

And something

About everything

Tears of laughter fight against my almost waterproof mascara

Feet on the dash

And eyes ahead on the empty parking spaces

You have an old white car that was your brothers 

And a pink license plate 

I’ve been at school for 10 hours now

But I’m not yet ready to leave

Because I’m sitting with you in your car

Waiting for my dad to pick me up after practice

And everything makes sense

And the sunset is beautiful 

And my heart is beating

And our laughter is ringing down the hill and through the city

And friendship is everlasting

And these moments last years

And Lemon Oreos and Cheez-its are being passed between us

And everything makes sense