
The Hungry, Lonely Cat

Blue thy veins

Red drops of blood

A white corpse in chains

Black thy hair which floods

In silky waves down thy shoulders

Silver like the moon

Whither thou shalt too go soon

No stars are to behold

But look, there is a cat

It creeps towards thy body

Slowly and in silence

Its eyes are glowing golden

And yet warmth they lack

Ice cold, colder than thy corpse

Its gaze thy body pierces

As if it would devour thee

To swallow thy eternal soul

It reaches out its paw

Claws glow in the lifeless light

They grow as it

Bares its bone-white fangs

Exuding loneliness and fright

Hunger burns its stomach pit

But oh, how it longs for thy touch

Thy warmth and thy love

None of which thou hast to give


Thou art dead

Thus it digs

A hole in thy belly

And there from now it lives

To flee

From that stinging 
