
Infinite Oscillations

Like the rhythm of life\'s dance, the pendulum swings,
 Life\'s journey unfolds like an intricate string of things.
 From highs to lows, it oscillates wide,
 A constant tide of challenges and victories side by side.
Infinite oscillations, a soothing guide for growth\'s embrace, 
Through trial and error, we find our distinct rhythm. 
Through ups and downs, we navigate and learn, 
Adapting, and evolving, for each new turn.
The pendulum\'s motion is a true metaphor we trace,
 For life\'s ever-turning cycles, we all must face. 
Embrace the changes and escape from the grip of the past
Connected and intertwined, we find our place,
 In time\'s tender embrace, we all will leave a trace. 
Through the pendulum\'s infinite oscillations, we see,
 Life\'s like a woven tapestry, a shared destiny.