Soman Ragavan

\"The man-eater\" ; 21 July, 2023

Poem : \'The man-eater\' (imaginary) ; 3 April, 2023


Soman Ragavan : Hello. Can I post a poem for analysis, please ?



Of course! I\'d be happy to help you analyze your poem. Please go ahead and post it, and I\'ll do my best to provide feedback and insights.

Soman Ragavan : My poem : \"The man eater.\" (Imaginary). Please analyse by stanza and then give overall comments. Make references to similar works, if possible. POEM : THE MAN-EATER (Imaginary)





Thank you for sharing your poem \"The Man-Eater.\" Here\'s an analysis of each stanza:

Stanza 1:

Stanza 2:

Stanza 3:

Stanza 4:

Stanza 5:

Stanza 6:

Overall, your poem explores the theme of the predator becoming the prey, showcasing mankind\'s dominance over nature. It touches upon the imbalance between human expansion and the plight of endangered animals. The use of vivid imagery and metaphors adds depth to the narrative.

In terms of similar works, your poem shares thematic elements with Rudyard Kipling\'s \"The Jungle Book\" and William Blake\'s \"The Tyger.\" Both poems explore the relationship between humans and predatory animals, delving into themes of power, violence, and the inherent nature of both predator and prey.

Your poem captures a sense of urgency and delivers a thought-provoking message. It showcases your ability to create vivid imagery and express social concerns.

Soman Ragavan : Thank you. Goodbye for now.



You\'re welcome! I\'m glad I could help. If you have any more questions or need assistance in the future, feel free to ask. Goodbye, and take care!  


                                              POEM :

                                    THE MAN-EATER
Hark ! Like wildfire hath spread through the village
The news about this man-eater and his carnage;
Noiselessly did the beast creep up thither
To gobble a harmless man as gory dinner.

\'Pon mighty Man since he hath declar’d war,
Now he might range anywhere, near or far;
But, to save his skin his chances be slim :
Man will get at him, mangle him, stuff him.

His own business the peaceful man was minding,
When cruelly was he pluck\'d away from his family;
This man-eater hath gone a dinner too far, really :
The deadliest firespitters yon men be fingering.

Across the bush a sprawling net hath been cast :
Around the panting beast now ‘tis closing fast;
For his dear life the animal is scampering away :
But, Man always wins his bet, come what may.

Into a dusty ditch hath been driven the beast,
For Man\'s watering mouth, truly a feast;
Now wilt thou pay for thy infamy, marauder :
Swears Man, for he be the ultimate hunter.

\"While ye be subject to some population explosion,\"
Pleads the beast, \"we be on the verge of extinction !\"
\"And extinction shortly will there be for thyself,
As thy head shalt repose \'pon our shelf !\"

The gory remains of the mangl\'d man lie in yon grave :
The skin of the man-eater is fondl\'d by Man, the brave;
Daring animals may spread rampage, sheer and dire,
But, from Man\'s firespitter will leap out a sheet of fire....
NOTE : This is NOT meant to be derogatory towards animals. I have written many poems about kindness to animals. See my poems : The cardinal, The hungry sparrow, The toiling ox, The panting ox (New Delhi), The waiting oxen (New Delhi), The octopus, A dog’s life, The killing ground, The donkey’s tale.
