
Some People.....

Why do people lie to you, even when they end up caught, after you just explained to them, what it is and what it is not?

These people will actually fight with you, like you did something wrong, they know it is going to hurt you, it is the same old dance and song.

They are selfish only for themselves, not a care for who gets hurt, guess it is time for me to regulate, let me get my big girl shirt.

I have no room for liars, or cheaters, or hurtful games, also no sticky fingers, get out my life you stoopid lames.

Did not your mother ever tell you, to treat another as you would yourself, mine did you know what that means, I am good all by myself.

Do not tell me that you love me, then turn around and tell her to, all that does is shows me disrespect, and it changes my feelings for you.

In fact i will make it easy, I will not give you the ball, you and her get out of here. Thank you and that will be all.

Leanne Doyle-Morgan 7/20/2023