
The News!




……The news is telegraphed as what’s happening, but it’s truths are a ruse, an excuse for future abuse; covertly military, controlled by exemplary’s, who vary; if you think about it, it’s scary. The truth of headlines are kept out of reach but within our peripheral,  so they can better understand our positional, to restrain ones senses, suspend time in its maker’s kitchen, it is its own invention, an illusion of information sent; if events equal time, then actual time just got bent, a Mandela effect for a check, we’ve pretty much made history with just paper and pin, so what you expect. We’ve created a sun and moon made of mahogany but yet and still, it’s still blinding me, there’s no finding me in a house of half truths, it’s mirrors reflect lies told and egos that are out of control, hearts that are as cold as the North Pole, a petri dish of lies has been comprised for the public, it’s what they keep us numb with. The news is our medicine, to make us act right, that’s why it’s given in the morning, noon and night.