
The Devonshire Ghost

Cold stone walls make up this very castle

A lit candle serves little as my guide this eve

Shadows now dance about on each passing wall

As little is clear while my mind can’t believe



There, in the distance, that shadow does move

An apparition, or, is my eyesight just fading?

No, there it is again, now too with a wail

My heart says one thing, my eyes are betraying



She stands there, reaching, seeming to call

On this blustery night, the winds echo tune

Yet, I can see her, how long and just why?

Her presence alarms me under autumn’s full moon



I ponder this moment as my feet lock me still

The candle burns quickly, so I better decide

Should I approach to inquire of why she so wails

Or should I run to take cover and forgo all my pride?



Alas, she is gone, as the moon now shines through

Upon there, the wall, are initials engraved

The letters of a name, the lady of the tower

Who’s bound by her death, to the castle enslaved