
Was she Foolish?

Bleached Blonde, 

Long and brunette, 

A boy of expierience, 

A sweet girl of innocence, 

Tall and strong, 

Small and fragile, 

So many differences, 

But as they sat with the same headphones, 

They chatted about the same movies, 

They indulged in their mutual preferences, 

They comforted each other’s anxious minds,

What do a couple differences mean?  

She sits there and thinks about how perfect it is, 

She pushes her anxiety away from the forefront, 

Lets herself experience feelings she’s always been too afraid to feel,

She surrenders the wall of trust that has guarded her for all this time, 

She lets his honey covered hands touch her,

She ignores the gutting feeling in her stomach, 

Becomes reliant on the butterflies instead,   

She should have been watching for the other girl, 

Because no matter how many I loves you’s were said, 

No matter how hard she kissed him,

No matter how much of her soul she poured into them, 

Someone else’s effortless beauty captivated him, 

Someone else made him smile more, 

He lingered for more from her,

Not the girl who just wanted to care for him,

Not the girl who loved him more than herself,  

But the girl who didn’t even have to try.