

I always had a hard time looking that glass in the mirror

Now that I have things are looking clearer

All the lies I believed

Were just my doubt

Trying to destroy me

I will no longer listen

To that voice

That says I will




Never be enough

Because it is wrong

I should have known this all along

I am a beautiful creature

One who is going to do amazing things

The people who hurt or betray me

Will not receive my anger

But rather my forgiveness and love

They will not be in my finale

However they did help lead me to where I am

So while I thank them

I can not hold onto them

It just keeps me in my past

I am breaking free

I have finally accepted myself

I love who I am

Who I\'ve become

Those who have helped me will bask in my love

So will those that did not

For I am a charitable soul

I love

I give

I am kind even when I need not to

This world is too cold a place for me to alse be



Yes I look out for me

My soul shines brightest though

When I help another being on their way

Maybe one day we can all have


For each other

The way I accept my own soul

I am going to do so many things

I am off to great adventures

I know I am amazing

I am worth it

And so are you

Dear poet, reading this

We are loved

Always have been

Heal your inner child

Give them what they need

We have but one chance at this life

Let\'s not waste it

With the triviality of doubt

Every emotion

Has meaning

Every failure

Has a lesson

Nothing ever happens without reason

Once you feel comfortable with you


Love yourself

Respect yourself

That\'s when more doors

Than ever before open to you

Have the




To follow your dreams

For it will not be easy

It will and is possible

You only need to dream