

It\'s the nights like this that I hate 

with a pen, paper & tears on my page,

try to avoid my thoughts and the debates.

Salty my lips, my ears, can\'t think straight,

on the floor, all weak, can\'t move my weight.


You have consumed my head, now my body aches,

keep me busy to sleep easy just to stay up late.

3AM and I can\'t seem to remember the dates,

I feel the smell of your body and your taste.

It\'s the nights like this that I hate.


Jaw clenched, tight fists, you double faced

walk past you wish we were in different states,

maybe I should run cuz, its so hard to wait

\"2:30PM, I will be there\", running scared 

had to lock all my gates.

It\'s the nights like this that I hate.


How can someone be at peace after they

hurt the person they loved?

What kind of a monster does that to the person they tugged?

Do you look yourself in the mirror and regret it?

Do you ever feel like saying sorry to fix it?

Was it worth it?