
Two Best friends

From middle school days, we were tight like glue,
Two girls, best friends, just me and you,
Through thick and thin, we laughed and cried,
Sisters by heart, side by side.
High school came with its ups and downs,
But we never let anything tear us down,
Late-night talks and secrets shared,
Our friendship bracelet always declared.
Time flew by as we chased our dreams,
Through college halls and bursting seams,
No matter the distance or where life led,
Our bond grew stronger, it was never misled.
Together forever, till the end of time,
Inseparable souls that will forever shine.
Hand in hand, our hearts intertwined,
Two best friends eternally aligned.
In the end, as our journey ceased to be,
We left this world with a love so free.
Hugging each other with bracelets joined tight
Our friendship forever glowing in pure light.