sonal monhyung

Palace of beauty and love (The Taj )

At the entrance huge gate is stand ,for welcome you in a heaven land.

At th way long colonial trees are stand to give you a bouquet of greenish petals .


What\'s inside it you will amazed ,when you see in your real dream it\'s image.

Like you see it in your book somedays before,or you got a dream of it .


Stand on the bank of yamuna ,this palace is sign of love and beauty.

What a wonderful palace on earth may be it\'s twin is in the heaven or it is your dream land .


A beautiful place to visit that give you a true love story.

Four beautiful minarets stand like  security to protect a queen in centre and add it\'s beauty .


A beautiful structure your have ever seen remember in your dream and take it\'s image.

A part of it is in soil 

A part of it is in sky 

A part of it also beside your eyes  

A beautifull palace you have ever seen.


Look like sister of snow white,in this real life.

A great dome of love ,

A great place to visit,

A great architecture style from ancient time ,how beautiful design this marble structure.


Sign of love and beauty, this palace is queen of cuties.

A big dome like queen\'s crown , a deep long pillar like her throne.


One of the seven wonders of the world ,this marble structure has her own kingdom.

This name known to everybody even small children wish to see  luxury.

Stand bravely on the bank of yamuna,how  design this beautiful mestrious whit Taj.