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My hidden scars

I feel so lost and all alone,
Like I\'m wandering through life without a home.
The darkness inside me never fades,
And I\'m left feeling broken, like a discarded spade.

I try to put on a brave face,
To make it seem like I\'m keeping pace.
But the pain inside me never quits,
And I\'m left feeling like I\'m not worth a bit.

I want to feel loved, to feel seen,
To feel like I\'m part of a team.
But the voices in my head won\'t let me go,
And I\'m left feeling empty, with nothing to show.

I know that others care about me,
That they want to help me be free.
But the darkness inside me is so strong,
And I\'m left feeling like I don\'t belong.

I want to believe that I\'m worth something,
That I\'m more than just a fleeting thing.
But the pain inside me is so real,
And I\'m left feeling like I\'m made of steel.

I want to break down, to let it all out,
To scream and shout and never doubt,
That I\'m worth something, that I matter,
That I\'m not just a broken ladder.

But the darkness inside me is so deep,
And I\'m left feeling like I\'m just a heap.
Of broken dreams and shattered hopes,
Of endless pain and endless mopes.

I know that I\'m not alone,
That others have felt the pain that I\'ve known.
And I\'ll keep fighting, keep holding on,
Until the light inside me shines like a dawn.

For I know that I\'m worth something,
That I\'m more than just a fleeting thing.
And I\'ll keep reaching out, keep trying to connect,
Until the love around me is what I expect.

By C.Philip