
Not An Angel

You may not be an angel
But you coulda fooled me.
So smuggle me from the clouds
I won\'t make a peep.
With you, I don\'t need to speak.
It comes so naturally
I could sit in silence for hours
Under your wings if you\'d let me.
Sit and stare and talk to you for hours
Make me believe I\'m not failing

Every breath I lose
I\'d give to you
Guardian delivered to me
In horns instead
Gladly received
Spell cast in purple on me
Eyes I can\'t refuse
Falling in love so deeply, feeling right
Reflecting shining stars at night
Let me drown in the light love cast
Every possible way
Any night

Enlightened me, covered the sun
An eclipse I never expected
And now I could never run
Give me the power I need
Allow me to succeed
Allow me to wander before pulling me back in
I wouldn\'t stray far anyways

I give you all I would dare
More then I imagined I could
Knowing you\'ll always be there
Just let me stay and let me have
All you can as well
And together we\'ll get through


Promising every heart beat and moment
Precious or not
Each breath is reserved for you
Whilst ignoring whispers in my head
Telling me to hold back some
I can\'t be bothered to fear what may come
Or may not

Oh, you may not be an angel
But I was never looking for one
When I fell and crashed hard
Soaring through clouds we don\'t belong in
High above, in a safer place
Never have days like these crossed my mind
All those things I\'ve seen couldn\'t stack
Even at the same time
To what we\'ve shared so far
And won\'t surpass a future we weave

Dreams are wonderful things
But mine live and breath
You came true, I suppose
Who knew things such as that could happen?
Wishing on stars to find them all in your eyes
Glowing at me, even when I don\'t deserve them
Gleaming, despite my actions
Despite my former fears

Born unlucky, could have never guessed
I\'d find myself part of a story so grand
With the perfect partner at my side
The perfect treasure held
Within chests we\'ve chosen to swap

Saying \"I love you\" in any way I can
Well-hidden sometimes, but subtlety isn\'t my strong suit
With a single smile, you changed my world
Perhaps that should have been my clue
Yet I danced around thoughts till you came in
Took my hand
Led the way without changing the tempo
Playing a song without changing mine

No, you may not be an angel
But you\'re exactly what I prayed for
Floating among stars and clouds
In the land you bring me to
And I could sing about you for hours
Sit and think about you for hours
Talk and dance and read with you for hours
And hours pass and I\'d never be bored
With you
With me
Just stay with me
Make more moments to last