David Wakeling

Ths Sun did not rise

The Sun did not rise this morning.
It was black as night everywhere.
I ventured out tripping over cats,
that had gathered at my door.
There were people running down dark streets,
Screaming about the end of the world.

A woman came up to me in a panic.
She was asking for help and then she collapsed.
Teenagers were lighting  fires in abandoned houses.

Then all of a sudden the Sun just appeared again.
Everyone returned to their homes as if nothing had happened.

An old man came up to me and grabbed me by the arm.
“They won’t listen, they won’t learn.
Even if the Sun goes away. They will always be selfish.
Men are always just a few hours away from being stone-aged.”

He let me go and I wandered back to my own house.
I knew it would take a long time before I ventured out ever again.