
cinematic serenade, vol. 1

in the realm of digital connection we find,

where distance can\'t diminish love\'s bind,

through screens we meet, our hearts entwined,

our movie nights, a remedy refined.


with virtual chats as our silver screen,

we bridge the gap, no matter how far between,

a synchronized watch party, our refuge, our nest,

in pixels and sound, our love finds its zest.


though we can\'t meet often, we make it work,

in this cyber theater, our spirits lurk,

the anticipation builds as the clock strikes time,

we gather together, a love so sublime.


through shared screens, we embark on a quest,

movies become windows to hearts, at best,

the tales we explore, the characters we meet,

in this virtual realm, our love finds its beat.


and though we haven\'t finished most we\'ve watched,

her sleepiness sometimes leaves the story botched,

we embrace the fragments, the unfinished reel,

for it\'s the connection we cherish, a love that\'s real.


in dreams of pixels, my heart takes flight,

yearning to bridge the screen\'s digital light,

i long to kiss the pixels on her lips,

through virtual realms, where love equips.


in cinematic dreams, our souls entwine,

transcending screens, our passions align,

through digital space, our love persists,

with each longing gaze, my heart insists.


so let\'s continue our cinematic affair,

our synchronized watch parties, a love affair,

though movies may fade, our love will persist,

movies in our embrace, forever we\'ll kiss.