
Hit Me Again with Your Pain! A song inspired by “Shelter Me from the Rain” an improvised piece of “Hyper-Pop” by Beardyman Ft. MC HyperScott



I need you to keep on beat, too many miles, blistered feet,

just keep my crying, to let me remain in play!

I’m insane if I don’t bleed, I need you to take the lead,

guide my ache, to let me remain in play!




Hit me again with your pain, to keep me still in play! x2


(last time around x4)




Daily routine, an open wound, that will never soothe,

lie to me teacher, to let me remain in play!

A fleshing puppet I do love, instruction from up above,

lie to me preacher, to let me remain in play!




I’ve made my mistaken bed, made up of recycled dread,

keep me from light, to let me remain in play!

As a human can never learn, so let my short life burn,

this is what I do, in keeping myself in play!