bevan tse stuart


Sauce, pasta, sauce, cheese, pasta, sauce, cheese, pasta, sauce and lots of cheese to finish it off

The repetitive layers of a pasta remind me of how I fall in love

sauce, all too much all at once. 
the thick blood coloured liquid,

reminiscent of how I pour myself out in a hurry. 
never thinking is it too much or not enough. 


my sharp square thoughts

always the same when falling for someone,

repetitive in my uniformity,

never straying far from the moulded shape


the strings of my heart,

stretching and relaxing never the same again. 
never to return to my first shape. 

and yet I find this love fulfills me. 
I find no matter how much I dislike this cycle 

I cannot escape it. 

sauce pasta sauce cheese pasta sauce cheese pasta sauce and cheese and continue until your dish is filled. Always finish with lots more cheese