
Commerce and Conscience

In a world of commerce, a capitalist game,

Where profits soar, but some feel the flame.

I ponder the toll it takes on our souls,

As society’s fabric starts to unfold.


In pursuit of wealth, we often forget,

The human connections we should protect.

A race for success, a never-ending chase,

Leaving behind compassion and grace.


Inequality thrives, the gap grows wide,

As the privileged few ride the high tide.

While many toil, their dreams deferred,

By systems that seem unjust and absurd.


Consumerism whispers its tempting call,

Luring us into a never-ending sprawl.

Material gains, transient and frail,

Leaving emptiness, like a heart without sail.


Yet, I yearn for change, a different view,

A world where empathy and kindness break through.

Where success is shared, not hoarded in chests,

And every soul thrives, finding their best.


Let’s build a society with a caring hand,

Empowering each other to rise and stand.

For in unity, we can reshape the course,

And heal the wounds of capitalism’s force.


In reflection, I seek a balanced whole,

To mend the fractures that erode the soul.

Together, we’ll journey, we’ll find our way,

To shape a future with a brighter day.