Petrichor of Love

Whispers Among The Trees

Amidst the whispering trees I stray,

Where nature\'s heart holds sweet sway,

In the meadows green and valleys low,

A symphony of life doth serenely flow.


The babbling brook sang its song divine,

Reflecting the stars that brightly shine,

And as the moon adorned the night,

Her silvery beams nurtured a gentle light.


The rustling leaves gave a tender call,

Embracing me with Love\'s enthrall,

In solitude, my soul took a flight,

To the realms where dreams and hopes unite.


Oh, Nature\'s touch felt so soft and kind,

A balm that healed my troubled mind,

Through fields and woods, my heart doth roam,

To find in thee, a sense of home.


As morning rose with hues of gold,

dewdrops gleamed as a tale unfolds,

The world awoke to a canvas pure,

Where wonders new shall long endure.


With every breath, with every gaze,

I felt the awe of thy the soul\'s embrace,

In nature\'s arms, my spirit felt free,

I find myself, eternally.


Thus, in this world of joy and strife,

Amidst the dance of the fleeting life,

I seek the solace that nature weaves,

In its embrace, my heart believes.


And like a poet of the olden time,

I find in nature\'s verse, a feeling sublime,

A truth that speaks from age to age,

A love that lasts beyond this poem\'s page.