
Her beauty

When I met her for the first time;

What is beauty she made me remind.

The charm on her face and the spark in her eyes;

Makes me forget everything but just to see them twice.

The smile on her face and her curly hairs;

If someone says her ugly it wouldn\'t be fair.

For me she was the most beautiful women;

Love for her developed so sudden.

Her words were very captivating;

Mostly I found me staring.

She forms a smile on my lips unknowingly; 

I love the way she talks to me so Lovingly.

He showed me how a goddess on earth looked like;

She made me feel in reality how a romantic book looked like.

She left me when I needed her the most;

She made me heartbroken foremost.

Her memories will be the best part of my life;

I will always have the regret that she won\'t become my wife.

