

Tune: Melita

(\'Thou hidden source of calm repose\'

= \'Eternal Father, strong to save\')

Ephesians 5 v.8-11


For you were one time in darkness

But now you are light, we confess

Light in the Lord, now clear your way

You have known sure salvation\'s day

Live now as children of the light

Do what is pleasing in God\'s sight


For the fruit of the Spirit be

In goodness, all things wholesomely

And in righteousness and truth too

The light of life has come to you

So living lives productively

Formed more into Christ\'s image be


Show what things be acceptable

To the Lord, seek His will in all

Join not with the works unfruitful

Of darkness, such shall stumble, fall

But reprove them by your light, shine

Expose evil by rays divine