
Cupid rides pillion

Cupid rode pillion with me today

Making me intensely happy as a jay

It took the form of a 5’1

A bundle of dynamite, zest and fun


It cleared the decks and lent me a hand

It made me feel dizzy, yet grand

And while I beheld its effects in surprise

It hauled for me, a most precious prize


It made me thrill to her dainty touch

When she whispered to me – ‘I love you so much’

Yeah, cupid rode pillion with me today

When I picked up my beloved on the way


Never shall I fall in love again

For she’s in possession of my heart and brain

The conquest for me, will not be in vain

For the love that we have, we shall retain


It’s not the silly ‘puppy love’ of youth

But the stark, plain and wholesome truth

For sun may sleep and death may die

But we’ll be together – she and I


Cupid rode pillion with me today

It way-laid me when I whisked her away

And though Time and Tide wait for no man

She’ll wait for me – my dear, beloved ‘Anne’