
Smeared With Affection

Smeared With Affection


Without any doubt

whatsoever ..

Your eyes, are my

spring my love

those that

somehow force me

to see beyond

the blues

and the greens ..

Yet while we are still

at the mercy

of such intimate liars

and fools ..

I swear I constantly

find myself

looking for colours ..

Indeed those,

that still live and do

thrive, someplace

else entirely ..

Pinned albeit

loosely, between

these poor

clouded, rose tinted

lenses of ours ..

And which still,

by the way

religiously haunt us ..

Although by

the time, we both

leave here

come morning ..

Our combined DNA

shall be strewn

with abandon

all over the place ..


dispensed with,

disposed of

then used to betray

us covertly ..

Until all becomes

still, calm and good again ..