nix :)

Fields of Grass

I had yet another dream of us last night

This time we had just finished our date

And we got in your car and you just started driving

No destination in mind


We ended up out of the city

You pulled over next to these empty fields

Long grass waving like the sea in the gentle breeze

I jumped out of the car, grabbing my phone and your speaker

I started blasting a playlist

And danced through the fields

You got out of the car too, but you walked behind

Following me and smiling


I woke up, the depression sinking in very quickly

Waking up from dreams of you

Causes me this pain that I know all too well


If our dreams are just ourselves in alternate universes

How come you haven\'t said anything about them to me?

Because surely you dream about us too

How can you not when it seems like most other versions of us

End up dating at some point