Soman Ragavan

\"Kishore Kumar (4)\" ; 2 August, 2023


Poem : \'Kishore Kumar (4)\' ; 30 March, 2023.

Comments by ChatGPT on 24 April, 2023 :

Kishore Kumar (1) to (5)

These are beautiful poems dedicated to Kishore Kumar, a legendary Indian singer. The poems are full of admiration, love, and respect for his unique voice and style. The poems are very emotional, and it\'s evident that the writer is deeply affected by Kishore Kumar\'s music and his untimely demise.

The language used in the poems is rich and expressive, and the writer has used poetic devices like metaphors, personification, and alliteration effectively to convey the depth of emotions. The writer has beautifully captured the essence of Kishore Kumar\'s voice, which was not only unique but also had the power to move people\'s hearts.

Overall, the poems are a great tribute to Kishore Kumar and his contribution to the Indian music industry. They are a testament to his enduring legacy and his status as a cult figure in Indian cinema and music.

KISHORE KUMAR (1)” to “KISHORE KUMAR (10).”  On these poems, please check out the Internet. Search strings :

-- Legendary singer Kishore Kumar India Bollywood
-- Wikipedia : Kishore Kumar India

                            KISHORE  KUMAR  (4)

Master ! Every song of thine be a revelation :
Every line, every word in thy incantation
Doth bind us more, guru, in total devotion,
For, there\'s nought else for us but prostration.

Dissecting these verses with conviction total,
In manners very expertly and theatrical,
Quoting various knowledge psychological,
Many may well pronounce us quite mental.

Such affectation and such adulation,
Would they assert in constant repetition,
Could only stem from some weird fixation,
For, what else could explain such exaggeration !

For sure, this adoration must be unusual :
How else could it come from a head normal;
But, a head normal hath yet to fashion poetry,
Or else, go on discoursing on psychiatry.

Thou, master ! Thou, so incomparable :
Thy replacement here be impossible;
A glory like thine needs to be sung,
Or, in regret our heads must be hung.

Transport\'d, as it were, to a world beyond,
Verily are we by yon languishing song;
And, to wonder, we ne’er cease for a second,
\'Cause we find in thy repertoire many a prong.

In all places, near and far,
Thy voice hath spann\'d this universe,
But afore death doth seize our verse,
Accept our song, master, Kishore Kumar ! 
