
Just a Dream I Had


It was an evening I could never forget
sunset was closing in
the air was fresh

a midsummer breeze
lemonade in hand
watching the Cadillac’s driving by the sidewalk

everywhere people were just enjoying life
I walked towards a gentleman
playing a guitar outside a barber’s shop
I just stood and listened
he played a tune so familiar
yet, I couldn\'t think what it was

got it, it’s now or never by Elvis

Just then, the barber shop door swung open
and out he came…

the star of the show

oh yes, it was Elvis Presley
I’m a pretty shy gal, but I screamed at the top of my lungs
my all-time favorite
standing right there in front of me

flustered like a ten year old meeting her idol
I dropped my lemonade all over my sandals

he stared at me, almost as if he knew me
then all of a sudden

he started singing to the music of the guitar

a concert just for me?
as tears of joy rolled down my face
the song finished and he went on his way
but not before I got a kiss on the cheek and a wink

I stood for a while, reflecting on
how much the lyrics of the song
meant to me at that one single moment

I never did see him again
but each time I hear his song on the radio

 I remember that concert

the one just for me

the one dreams are made of.