

Yes, Depression is a vulture

That will make anyone its prey.

There is no one who deserves it,

And there is no one to blame.


And when the darkness comes

With its all-consuming power,

It slowly takes my soul

Hour by dreadful hour.


I know there\'s been many

Who\'ve had it worse than I,

But that doesn\'t always mean

That I wouldn\'t say good-bye.


People say I have a lot going for me.

I\'m sorry, but I just can\'t see.

I can\'t see because my worst enemy

Is not my life but inside of me.


No confidence, no self-esteem.

Everybody else is right.

To speak my mind is to be a fool,

So I just try to \"sit tight.\"


Any one of these problems

Would be a heavy vice,

But when you have them ALL

Living seems like a roll of the dice.