As I

As I listened to a different translation it seemed a little odd,

I wondered how much they pervert the Word of God?

\"His Word is pure, like silver tried in a furnace of earth, purified seven times.\"

The witness was recorded for good men to find.

So hear a fun fact: If I could put in my chime,

The original King James Version took seven years to write.

By over fifty scholars, the best of their day,

Split up into six? groups to see what each other would say.

There were seven revisions in that time, I am told

If the proof in the pudding, history will show...

For three hundred years His people had peace,

The Word of God to the masses released.

It wasn\'t an easy road, for heresy some were burnt,

The martyr\'s killed by the church.

The gospel was spread when the Word was the heart.

But an evil deception has torn us apart:

\"Come follow us! WE know the way.\"

Find it yourselves. 

The truths on the page.