
The Story Of Us

There was never a right time to say goodbye,
But I couldn’t keep up with all the lies, or the way you treated my heart.
I couldn’t shake the feeling, every time we kissed,
I was just another name to add to your list.

I hold all this blame
about how badly
things between us ended,
But despite all the reasons
I shouldn’t think of you
I still do.

I told myself
after all the pain,
Maybe we were just two people,
bad for each other.

My heart lay asleep in a glass jar, kept safe on my shelf.
Until you walked into my life and promised to protect it.
So, I gave the jar to you, asked you to hold on tight,
and instead you did the opposite.,
and I don’t know what to do.
All this mess, because I believed in you.

So, I walked away,
But your memory stayed, and it follows me everywhere,
Tell me how I am supposed to move on when I’m haunted by all the things you are.

Do you remember the moment we stopped working?

You are with someone new,
And yet I’m still here with all the moments we shared, not knowing how I’m supposed to have those moments with anyone else.

But all I could think about was how I wanted to fix what we’d broken,
even after all the time you’ve been gone and everything we’ve been through,
The grief lies in the space between us.

Will anyone
love me
the way I am?

Will the way
I love
ever be enough?

You are so close, yet so far away
The universe stares back at me,
The rain falls,
the sky full of sorrow.

Scattered thoughts
from the things I could have done
The times I should have stayed,
trying to forget
the future we could have made.

But the world is still alive, spinning, carrying on. Yet my world is crashing, stuck, holding on.
Somewhere in between the tears,
We forgot what it means to love and to live and to be happy.

All the people who have hurt you,
They belong in the past,
You need to move into the future and fill it with light,
forgive all the mistakes we both made
Lay all the ache you feel to rest and create new memories.

She is scared to love again, because people change their minds.
She is scared to love again, because people leave with no answers, and she is sick of thinking it’s because of her.

But now she is taking every chance back, She has heard the call of the wind, reminding her to begin again.

I keep hoping, hoping that the healing will come soon,
We are both out there, somewhere in the wild, looking for ourselves.
Can you can lose, without ever really having?

You can sew the scars, with stitches made from forgiveness,
We can let go of the past and all the hurt and grow into someone new.

And even if there are still days of gloom, I know for every bad day,
there is a good day,
certain to bloom.

It is not always about the heart breaking. It’s the uncertainty afterward,
But I am sure of you, sure you will grow again, grow new, grow more memories that you love,
You will be as beautiful as I believe you to be.

Take your time, but do take the first step.