
A Note on a Love Lost

I gave my heart and it was returned ripped apart.

I received only a taste of joy...

But it will stay with my always.

I...I thought you were the light at the end.

Instead you only made this world of mine darker.

Now all I see is sadness.

A never ending darkness.

And no answers to these questions.

I...thought you might have been the answer I...was searching for so long.

When I was with you...

I thought I would never again be alone.

Not knowing, of course, that I was really...

More alone then I had ever been before.

So what of a love unspoken?

Well I...didn\'t think I had to speak.

I thought it was clear...

A dream?

Well, maybe it was...just that...

But I thought...well....

I always dreamed that...

That 1 day I would meet a girl that

Perhaps I....could love without fear...

And when I found her she\' me too.

Well I...had thought I found her and she was...

Everything I had dreamed and more except she...

Didn\'t love me too.

Even though I had thought that...she did...

I guess she didn\'t think I could offer her anything.

And she....was right.

I have nothing.

Well, not quite...

Nothing to offer...

I had this fragile heart.

Now it\'s shattered....

So what of the sharp edges of a broken heart?

I can never touch it again...

It will never be put back together and...

It will b a constant reminder of this misadventure.

Love is dead...

It can not exist here anymore...

But I have one final note...

I would do it all over again...

If only for that sweet taste to last a bit longer...