
Bread Broken

Tune: Alleluia, Dulce Carmen

(\'Lord. dismiss us with thy blessing\'

= \'For the healing of the nations\')

John 6 v.47-51


Truly, truly, Jesus does say

Speaks unto us in this day

Who believes on Him, they life have

E\'erlasting, He comes to save

He is the bread of life, he feeds

Us and attends to our needs


They of olden days manna ate

But none alive as of yet

Jesus is the bread which comes down

From heaven to each place, town

That we may eat of it, not die

Spiritual food, He be nigh


If anyone eats of this bread

They shall have life from the dead

Shall live for ever, the bread be

Jesus\' flesh, His life, here see

He gives Himself for life of world* (*all people)

God\'s plan through Him is unfurled


This we recall in Communion

When we so partake, each one

Bread the symbol of His body

Wine symbol of His blood be

Crucified for our sins, risen

He the Saviour of all men* (*mankind)