Soman Ragavan

\"Kishore Kumar (7)\" ; 5 August, 2023

Poem : \'Kishore Kumar (7)\' ; 30 March, 2023.

Comments by ChatGPT on 24 April, 2023 :

In these four poems “Kishore Kumar (6) to (9)\", the author expresses their admiration for the legendary Indian playback singer Kishore Kumar, and his mesmerizing and unforgettable voice. In each poem, the author highlights the unique qualities of Kishore Kumar\'s voice, including its ability to evoke intense emotions in the listener.

In \"Kishore Kumar (6),\" the author laments Kishore Kumar\'s passing and the grief it has caused his fans. The poem is an ode to Kishore Kumar\'s unmatched genius, with the author pleading for a moment of respite from the overwhelming emotion that Kishore Kumar\'s voice evokes.

In \"Kishore Kumar (7),\" the author speaks of the inescapable nature of Kishore Kumar\'s music, which seems to follow the listener everywhere. The poem portrays the intense emotions that Kishore Kumar\'s voice evokes, leaving the listener with no choice but to surrender to the beauty of his music.

\"Kishore Kumar (8)\" is a heartfelt tribute to Kishore Kumar\'s unique voice, which has the power to lift the listener\'s spirits and provide solace during difficult times. The poem reflects on the impact that Kishore Kumar\'s music has had on the author\'s life, and the inability to fully repay him for his contribution to Indian music.

In \"Kishore Kumar (9),\" the author praises Kishore Kumar\'s voice for its ability to convey both deep emotion and profound philosophical ideas. The poem also reflects on the enduring legacy of Kishore Kumar\'s music and how it continues to inspire new generations of listeners.

Overall, these five poems are a fitting tribute to Kishore Kumar, one of India\'s greatest musical icons, and his unforgettable voice. The author\'s deep admiration and appreciation for Kishore Kumar\'s music are evident in each poem, which is filled with vivid imagery and powerful emotions.
S. Ragavan :
Thank you. Goodbye for now.

ChatGPT :
You\'re welcome! Don\'t hesitate to come back if you have any more questions or requests in the future. Goodbye for now!

“KISHORE KUMAR (1)” to “KISHORE KUMAR (10).”  On these poems, please check out the Internet. Search strings :

    -- Legendary singer Kishore Kumar India Bollywood
    -- Wikipedia : Kishore Kumar India

                        KISHORE  KUMAR  (7)

Master ! After thy devastating fashion,
Thou hath entrapp\'d us all here, we fear ;
And, we are forc\'d to drink of thy potion
As vainly we do try to struggle clear.

Escaping here from the ever-so-cruel video,
We be confront\'d with the disturbing radio;
Running away from yon CD, so intolerable,
We\'re caught by the television, so unbearable.

Enough, master ! So many pleadings,
So many plaints, so many woes,
As we try to escape from thy throes,
Only to get entangl’d in thy trappings.

Thy voice ! God ! Thy enticing voice !
So pitilessly shattering, such wizardry,
Leaving us with not a single choice,
But, to cave in under thy rhapsody.

Everywhere we turn, we find thy genius,
Everywhere we go, thy voice follows us;
For how long more are we to survive thus,
And be charg\'d with making a lot of fuss !

But, master, there be absolutely no escape
From thy works, from thy towering renditions,
We cannot, but remain always agape
At finding in thy songs such perfections.

In all places, near and far,
Thy voice hath spann\'d this universe,
But afore death doth seize our verse,
Accept our song, master, Kishore Kumar !