
The Mind: Emily S. - written 11/18/2020

The chains, kept her bound, 

the fake desires kept her ground. 

The torment, 

Like hell on earth kept her stable, or so she thought… 

What is stable, is it the same as going inane. 

For she felt insane for feeling. 

Insane for hurting 

And insane for loving 

For no one could love her like she did… 

She wanted to be here…

So was she stable for wanting to be  insane? 

The mind twisted 

Mind manipulated 

The mind twirled idea after idea 

What is insane? 

What is stable? 

What is keeping her bound? 

Was it this hell on earth? 

She thought it was heaven. 

Heaven kept her ground. 

Heaven showed love. 

However, the mind manipulated 

The mind twisted idea after idea, keeping her bound, ground and insane in this hell on earth and continued torment. 

Fake love is the same love, right? 

Better than no love at all? 

Better to be tortured than to be alone? 


The mind manipulated, 

The mind twisted, idea after idea, 

The hell on earth was not heaven 

The torture was not love 

She was insane for dealing.

She was not stable indeed. 

She was broken for believing. 

She was in hell on earth…. 

Attempt after attempt to leave…. 

But the mind held her down

The chains kept her ground 

She couldn’t go… 

Or could she… 

She toiled the idea, the mind manipulated and twisted idea after idea, thought after thought. She had to escape the hell on earth… 

Over and over. She toiled ideas, tried to leave.  

Finally, she grew the strength. 

The chains broke and free she became 

No longer in the hell on earth.  

No longer tortured.

No longer manipulated by the ideas of the mind. 

She was free.