Chris Duffy

A puppet for the pills

A Puppet for the Pills

Long dark days, longer lonely nights.

You get no sleep till morning comes.

You’re wired into the fight.

Body is electrified, your mind, it never stills.

Once you are a puppet, a puppet for the pills.


The battle’s never over, no time at all to rest.

The devil sets the table.,and you’ll become his guest

He shows you how life might be, he taunts you with his thrills.

He wants you as his puppet, a puppet for the pills.


You’re just a bit part player, a simple Marionette ‘

Some you’ll take to heal you,some to just forget.

Some are merely sedatives, to turn the bright lights down.

With vanity and ego you’ll wear the devil\'s crown.

He’ll take away the fever, cure you of life’s ills

If only you’’ll succumb and be a puppet for the pills’


Obedience is crucial, essential in the game

Addiction is Beelzebub, by another name..

No need to set down roots, nor live beneath a roof.

Lucifer will provide his version of the truth

Removes accountability, absolves you of your wills.

When you become a puppet, a puppet for the pills