

In dreams, the agnostic dreamer wanders, / seeking answers in darkness / yet finding only more questions.




Trapped between fantasy and reality, / caught in the web of uncertainty, / visions both beautiful and terrifying.




Nihilism, a tempting escape / promising peace and tranquility / yet leaving only an empty void.




Thunders of thought strike in the mind / shattering illusions, revealing truth / but truth brings no solace or comfort.




Awakening the dreamer sees the world anew / but still lost, wandering in search of meaning / finding only more mystery and wonder.




Then, in a moment of clarity, the dreamer sees / that mystery and wonder are the true meaning / and the search for purpose is the real journey.




The dreamer accepts that life is an endless journey / through mystery and wonder, never reaching a final destination / and yet always moving forward, ever curious.

