

Darling mistress of Nirvana,

One whose ecstasy

brings fertility to the 

mourning mud.


The reason of my own 

Had I abandoned thee 

To the reminent of this world?

Certainly don’t agree.


Let my departure 

Exhale no dereliction 

For the cause I had to upheld. 

The story I wish you could infer.


Gregory have no say in this.

The cambium of world chaos

With his Catholic convey. 


I’m not at home with myself 

What is worse than death?

Letting you go, what a torture. 


I crave for switch of fate,

Where this never issued. 

Sleepless days is breaking 

me down. 


Memos. All I see 

Is the film of you and I 

I see your smile, and it fades off. 


I bestow upon thee the pain

Adam placed on God as he left Eden. 

Happiness comes from within they say, but no!

Mine comes from you.