Thomas Haydn

The Tapestry of Life

The Tapestry of Life

A tapestry tells a story, in pictures, of special events, to be remembered.

Like all stories it has a start, and for each of us, this is the day we are born.

It’s a blank canvass waiting for the threads that will colour our lives.

As time goes by our picture unfolds, recording our individual stories.

Entwined into our story are the lengths of thread that bring the story to life.

There are strong colours, which represent those important moments in our lives.

These threads are long and their place in the picture is in full view.

They represent the significant people, places, and events captured over time.

But the picture would be incomplete, without all the other little bits of threads.

Many, many threads with diverse colours, in a variety of lengths.

These are the threads that fill up the background to the tapestry of our lives.

Sometimes we experience difficult times in our lives,

conflict, argument, personal loss, and the stitching comes a rye.

The tapestry needs to be unpicked, new stitches are required to repair the flaw.

This often takes time, but has the effect of making the picture whole again.

To others we are important stitches in their tapestry, as we are in theirs.

All of us are part of someone’s picture of life,

no matter how short that thread may be!

Unlike a real tapestry, the tapestry of life is not destined to hang in some great hall.

In time ours colours will fade our threads will fall to nothing,  but each of our tapestries is interwoven,  so some small stitches from our tapestry,

are woven into yours for as long as your story shall last.

As such the tapestry of life is never finished its colours, and story may change, but we are all stitched together, forever in life, and in love.


Thomas Haydn Barlow 28th September 2012