
No Top Trump

Here’s a thing, I’m sure you’ll agree,

government shouldn’t be revelry,

it’s a duty, to serve the people,

not a stage, to build the steeples,

of those who think, they can get away,

divide the hope, blacken the day,

so, why is Westminster, roaming free?

When across the pond, there is a plea.


We past owners, of the “colonies”,

in moral have become, weak at the knees,

members of the house, make a den of robbers,

there are no court dates, no decent coppers,

yet, we see their guy, from The Apprentice,

who’s told to stand, to answer for justice,

whilst on our doorsteps, no trial is given,

for those who con, to form British system.


Sunak continues, to empty our pockets,

perhaps to stock-pile certain rockets,

for a last resort vent, we could deploy,

of which, I’m sure Donald, would enjoy,

for he may have made them, run up that hill,

to storm white dome, to re-write the bill,

and back at the British Country Club,

the old faces, don’t want to budge.


It would seem, that progress isn’t here,

we’re told to bow down, to the life peers,

in our customary surreptitious method

that was the Empirical secret weapon,

but if a former president, can be shamed,

we could clean our cabinet, that is so stained,

so we can get out of this dated dump,

in a time, we hope, there’s no top Trump.