Poem 1
Memories of You
In the moments that passed by,
I never realized it
The early mornings and long nights
The screams, the shouts
The sadness, the happiness
All of it seemed to matter so much
Time felt like it would never pass
But then,
eventually, he left
and it wasn’t the same
but it was still us
If only I could’ve realized how fast time passes
I couldn’t realize it then
No one ever does
The present seems to move so fast
If I only I realized that
We looked back at the past with wistfulness
What was our present became our past
Moments turned to memories
It never occurred to us
That one day
Everything might just end
If only I knew it would end
If only I realized it sooner
If only I had been wiser
Maybe I could’ve made the most of it
But what’s done is done
Everything comes to an end eventually
Know that even when I grow old
Even when my hair turns grey
My face wrinkles
My eyes grow heavy
You will always be in my heart
The time we shared
With everyone
I will never forget