Hayley Brown

Casually Unhinged


What a strange man

Pain is your game

Do you thrive on those tears?

The leaky salty sadness you enjoy and caused by a man I had so revered!

A sincere fraud, most dangerous to know,

Now so cold and snakey how did I ever LIKE you so?

Your transient love, dirty, conditional and so casually withdrew,

That, my darling, is the REAL essence of you.

Duped and dismantled I thought I’d found my one

I gave you my heart….I knew I shouldn’t have done..

You eagerly pursued it, an easy score

Fucked it up, abused it, what on earth for?

It’s the delicacy of people, and the damage that you do

Its unseen but glaring caused by your words untrue

A salesman’s words, an expert you could say. You should come with a warning that says ‘stay away’.

You were once my hero, a legend, a man that I could adore ❤️

Do you even realise, my darling, that you have broken me to my very core?