Laraib Fatima

A Woman\'s Foe, Her Kindred Sister

“She is your foe not me”, this is what he said to her

“She is the traitor, not me”, this is what he said to her

“She was lurking, not me”, this is what he said to her

He made her believe this, convinced her, forced her

And she believed, was convinced, was coerced

Now sitting by the window, gazing at the withered lilies, she is glacial.

Her thoughts provoking her to think

Was she really the one who was her foe?

Her conscious blaming her

Was she really the traitor and not him?

Her mind connecting all the dots

Was she really lurking around him?

Her heart pinching at her thoughts

As she conceded her traitor her foe, her culprit

But would she dare ask him,

 Or let her be her foe?