nix :)

Bullets of Love

I keep hearing quotes that I can relate to

For instance, the most recent one goes:

“Falling in love with someone

Is like handing them a loaded gun

That is pointed directly at your heart,

Hoping they don\'t shoot”


The day I realised I was in love with you

You pulled the trigger for the first time

And every time I\'ve seen you after that realisation

Has been another trigger pulled, another bullet shot

Directly into my heart


Every bullet forces me down but I get back up again

Only to be shot down again at some point

This unhealthy cycle will continue,

Until I find another person to love

But I can\'t see that happening anytime soon


You don\'t know that you\'re holding the gun

Let alone that you\'re shooting me

Every glance, every smile, every wave from you

Is another bullet straight into my heart


Each day my heart is getting closer to shattering

I\'m surprised it hasn\'t happened yet

But I\'m glad it hasn\'t

It will one day, but hopefully that\'s far in the future