lurch chuRcH


In friendship\'s realm, two souls entwine,

A tale of love and hearts align,

Like stars that twinkle in heaven\'s sea,

One falls in love, the other\'s plea.


Through woods they wander, side by side,

One\'s heart ablaze, emotions can\'t hide,

But distant looks and fleeting glances,

Reveal the heart\'s shy advances.


In shadows cast by pale moonlight,

The besotted friend mourns the night,

A tortured soul, a raven\'s flight,

Finding solace in the ebony night.


With sonnets sweet and verses fair,

The lover lays feelings bare,

A yearning deep, a burning fire,

Yet the other\'s heart seems to retire.


The roads diverged, their hearts apart,

One seeking love, the other\'s heart,

One heart\'s love, the other\'s fear,

A dance of shadows, both draw near.


In this tangled web, their friendship\'s plight,

One\'s heart aches, the other takes flight,

Through woods of choices, they must roam,

One seeking love, the other yearns to roam.


Thus, the tale unfolds of hearts entwined,

One love-struck, the other\'s heart confined,

A dance of shadows, a ghostly flight,

As one embraces, the other takes flight.


In friendship\'s realm, the journey\'s long,

One\'s heart\'s hope, the other\'s song,

The tender dreams, left forlorn,

In search of a love yet to be born.