Guineas,Shekels and Pounds
And that which is akin
We put emphasis on the trivial
And discard the vital therein
Christmas and Thanksgiving
At the end of tumultuous years
A reward for what we\'ve endured
To make us feel like Kings or Emirs
The winds to which we adhere
As they blow us through our lives
Where we rank in terms of importance
Our friends,our children,our wives
Superficial as they may be
Mere commoners who got lucky
In pursuit of their eulogy
Too immersed in our lives to realize
That we\'re causing our own demise
And have been since we were born
And no matter how hard one tries
We haven\'t the innate ability
To stop what we\'ve begun
No matter how high we fly
Or,for that matter,how fast we run
Some may ascend to the top
Of the list of those aforementioned
Not realizing just how quickly
They can and will be questioned
As to how they got there
And the ruins left in their wake
Having so much to give
Yet in the end just opting to take
A game of cards can only be won
By those with the courage to bluff
The deuce,not the ace
In many a case
Has proven to be enough
But when the straight,the flush or full house
Is superseded by four of a kind
The game is over,our lives are done
Not by choice,but design