Siva Pranav

Glimpse of a Miracle

Things that lie out of our plane of existence
With sounds that has the power to awaken your true self
Syllables that actually connote with these sounds to produce other worldly effects
Awakens the sleeping serpent of the life force within
Nothing of these can be proved under our bounds of time, space and causation
Leading to the Realm of warmth, peace and stability
Coil of bliss that unravels, remains inexpressible with words
Nothing has changed, in fact everything is different
You will learn to unlearn and bust all the myths
With the ability to perceive the world through better outlook and nobler deeds
Mother nature soothes you like never before
Sun shines with a bright radiant glow
Waves of sea will fix you like hell
With breezes humming like a pleasant melody
Twilight and nightfall gives a hope of tomorrow
Flames burn with a sacred power
Rain and clouds as a pleasant whisper
In everything we see, we look at our own selves
With our heart as the witness
Peace of mind and balance as a game changer
Process over the prizes as a new order of the day
Good and bad, Win and lose, Strong and weak, love and hate, truth and lie
Are nothing but options that the creator intended you to choose
Once these barriers collapse, selfishness departs
Selflessness prevails and you will never lose
Entity of time is just to contain and camouflage the movement of atoms, molecules and matter
Vibes of transformation with an eternal bliss
Now wake up and go face your trials and devils at work
Glimpse of a miracle is all that you need.