
Flaming Computers!

For many years we have sang at the school,

Every Thursday we go there

Practising our songs,

Learning new ones,

Thoroughly enjoying ourselves.

We start the new term in September

But I now have to book the hall,

This time using an online system

Where before we just asked the staff.

And all went well,

But now it is different!

So I filled in the form,

Filled it with all the dates we required

And pressed enter.

It came back and said I was wrong

But did not say where.

These flaming computer systems

Create so many problems for us

And I ought to know

As I worked in computing,

And had done for many years

Until that great day came,

That day when I retired

And started enjoying my life even more.

Now I am stuck again by a computer,

All because we want to do,

Want to do again,

What we have been doing for so many years.

No problems in the past,

But now there is a flaming computer in the way!