nix :)

Rewrite the Stars

I wish we could be

But the universe has other plans

Somehow, for some reason,

The universe decided that I should suffer this pain


But what if fate could be rewritten?

What if we could change the original plan?

That would take a lot of effort

And power that we don\'t have

Somehow my love for you isn\'t strong enough


All I want is to go on at least one date with you

All I want is to kiss your lips

And I wish that I could, but life isn\'t like that


I wish we could rewrite the stars

Rewrite what\'s already been written

Go against the universe’s design and the will of every god

Just so that we could exist

And be in a relationship, loving or not

But that\'s not how life works


So hopefully we find each other again

In another time, as different people

Hopefully, we find each other in our next lives

Or the ones after that

To make up for our missed chances in this one